Meet The Teacher

Hello Class! I am so excited that you are going to be apart of my English classroom the next year. First thing I want to establish is a foundation for a relationship with you. I will expect to get to know each of you over the course of the school year so I want to be the first to give you some personal and important information about myself.
My name is Ashley Bearden. I am from a small town in Leeds, AL and graduated top 3 in 2008 from Leeds High School. I am a middle child and yes I have the middle child syndrome! (Only those who are a middle child know what I mean by this!) My older sister has two children, both of which I adore and love as if they were my own. I also have a younger brother who is still single and God help the woman who wants to change that! I graduated from Troy University in May 2012 with a Bachelor's in English Language Arts. I have always had a passion for reading, I can hear some of you groaning now! But I honestly believe that reading is enjoyable and can change your life, if you let it. I am also a huge Alabama football fan! Roll Tide! I might as well go ahead and put that one out there because you will learn that sooner or later and I am proud of that fact so I want you to know it now! :-) I am also interested in going to law school and specializing in Education Law. There are so many things that need to be fixed in our education system I think a good place to start is the with the laws! But that is something I still haven't decided on!
I am sure there are things that I have left out that you may want to know so you may ask me anything. There are things I may not answer but you can ask. But I think that is enough for now! I really do hope you enjoy this class and most importantly I hope you learn something! :-)