Thursday, April 7, 2011

Speak Bonus Assignment

I was very impressed by the response I received to the Speak poetry assignment. I know you are working very hard on these poems and I cannot wait to read them all when you are finished. I have decided since you all have responded so well to this novel and to the poetry assignment that I am going to offer a bonus assignment! WooHoo BONUS TIME!! Yes, I am aware that I hardly ever offer bonus points but I think this is a great idea.

What you are to do...
Write a letter to Laurie Halse Anderson telling her about your experience reading her novel Speak and her poem "Listen".  How did it make you feel? Why did it make you feel this way? What character did you relate to the most and why? How has reading her novel and poem changed your life? You may write on any of these topics or may choose your own. Something I do want you to do is include a copy of your poem with your letter. Introduce Mrs. Anderson to your poem. Is there anything you want her to know about you or your poem before she reads it?

This will be due April 29th.

If you want we can find out the information and actually send your letters and poems to Mrs. Anderson but if you do not want to do this that is fine too!

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