Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Literary Terms

As a student I was aware that Literary Terms can be hard to keep straight! Metaphors and similies...which one was it again that used "like" or "as." The worst were the terms personification, onomontapia, allusion, alliteration, and so many more! I was always confused as a student on how to keep these terms straight with their definition! So to help you out I have created a fun assignment! Yes, I am aware that assignments are not something you may view as fun but this one isn't an essay so be happy! :-)

What you are to do....
In class we have used foldables like CrAzY because I know how much you enjoy them! For this assignment you are to select a foldable, I do not care which one, and set it up to help you remember some literary terms! There is a documnet under the document section with a list (and only a list, you have your textbooks, the internet, etc to find the definitions) of basic literary terms. I suggest you include the ones that are most difficult for you to remember or unknown. This will be your study guide for our literary terms quiz! If you have any questions please ask and I will clarify anything I possibly can! REMEMBER...any and all of the terms on the Basic Literary Terms document are subject to be on your test!!

This foldable is due by Tuesday, April 12th! The test is Friday, April 15th!

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