Thursday, April 7, 2011

Narrative Writing Time

As you all are aware there is a narrative writing assignment due coming up soon! I thought it may be a good idea to give you a few prompts to use in case you are stuck! You DO NOT have to use one of the prompts I have given but if you are not please just run that by me before you start writing. Remember a narrative writing is the perfect chance to write alllll about yourself and the story can be true or one that is made up, the key is it must be in first person point-of-view (OH look a literary term!)! I have also attached a short video that may help you remember a few cues about narrative writing.

Your prompts ...

1. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "You must do the thing you think you cannot do." Write a narrative about a time when you did something you thought you could not do. Be sure to include specific details so that a reader can follow your story.

2. Think about a time when something unexpected happened. Write a narrative in which you tell about an unexpected event that happened to you or someone you know. Be sure to include specific details so that a reader can follow your story.

3. You have made a very important discovery–one that will make you famous throughout the world. Write a story in which you tell about your discovery and how you made it. Be sure to include details about the setting and any characters in the story, and be sure that your story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.

4. Think of your best day in school. What happened that makes this day stand out in your memory? Write a story for a friend that tells about what happened on this day in school.

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