Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Your First Assignment

Here's the deal... I am aware not everyone shares the same passion for reading as I do, but I do want to know two things about you: what is your experience with reading and what are your passions? Write about a paragraph for each topic! Keep reading to learn more of what I want to know about these topics.
1.) What is your reading experience? When did you start reading? How often do you read for pleasure, if you do? What do you like to read (comics, magazines, it all counts!). Do you have a favorite book or author? Tell me the honest truth about how you feel about reading. Like I said, I know not all of you love to read and would rather read than watch tv (I know I can be a dork sometimes!) but I want to know how you truly feel about reading.
2.) Also, what is your passion? Some of you it may be reading ( :-) ) and some of you it may sports. Your passion is something you care deeply for and would not be the same person if it was taken away from you. Now what your passion does not equal is your boyfriend/girlfriend. I do not want to hear about this person in this blog, there will be other writing assignments for that later. I want to know what you are good at and love doing, or not good at but love doing!

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