Thursday, April 7, 2011

Speak Assignment

We have just finished reading Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson and now comes one of the assignments that go along with this unit. It has been over 10 years since this book was first published and over the years many readers have sent Mrs. Anderson letters with their thoughts on and responses to Speak. Mrs. Anderson was so touched by the letters that she recieved, so she wrote a poem "Listen" which combines the letters into one poem. In the video below Mrs. Anderson explains her reasoning for writing "Listen" and reads her poem aloud. Please watch this video.

What you are to do...

In listening to the reading of "Listen" think about how you feel. Now I want you to write a poem as well. This can be a poem from the view point of any of the characters in Speak, it can be your response to the novel or to the poem you just heard. Your poem can be written in any form of poetry. It can be an "I am" poem, a "Where I'm from" poem or even in the form of concrete poetry. Whatever you want to do. The only limitations are that it must have something to do with Speak, "Listen," or your response to either AND it must be at least 15 lines long; however, you may write as much as you want so if it is longer that is fine too!

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