Thursday, April 7, 2011

Don't Forget....

Yes it is time for our field trip! I know this is not the best timing since we have so much going on in class right now but since we were canceled on the first time we were supposed to go. The trip is to the Alabama Shakespeare Festival. I hope you are all as excited as I am! Just to remind you, you MUST be dressed appropriately! The dress code for this field trip will be DRESSY! Guys - this means slacks, NO JEANS, nice shoes and a button down shirt, you do not have to wear a tie unless you wish to do so. Girls - dress pants or skirt and a nice top, or a dress, NOTHING TOO SHORT OR LOW CUT! If you arrive at school and are inappropriately dressed you will not be allowed on the bus. Also, you need to bring a lunch or lunch money, we will make a stop near several fast foot resturants.

You need to bring something to take notes with. When we return you will have to write 1-2 pages on your experience from the theatre. What was your favorite part of the play? What was the name of the play? What was the overall plot of the play? What did you learn about theatre?

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